FL Senate candidate, ‘Marco Rubio’ up close on ABC’s ‘Nightline'


As Governor Charlie Crist (R-FL) has redefine the Florida Senate race announcing going independent, “Nightline” co-anchor Terry Moran spends a day in the life of Crist’s rival and GOP rising star Marco Rubio. Moran will sit down with Rubio in Coral Gables, FL tomorrow for an interview on the state of his campaign and his reaction to his opponent’s bombshell announcement, expected later in the day. He will also ask the former Florida House Speaker and young Cuban-American about Arizona’s proposed immigration law, the economic stimulus, the Tea Party movement, and what his candidacy says about the current Republican Party.

Terry Moran’s day in the life of Marco Rubio will air on “Nightline” tomorrow, THURSDAY, APRIL 29 (11:35 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.

(source: ABC)