2009 radio revenue decline put at 18.4%


Radio stations as a group had revenues of $13.7 billion in 2009, according to the final tally for the year by BIA/Kelsey, a drop of 18.4% from 2008.

That’s pretty much in line with what was earlier reported by the Radio Advertising Bureau, where local and national combined were down 20%, but total revenues for the industry down 18%.

Forecaster Mark Fratrik, Vice President and BIA/Kelsey, is sticking with his forecast that station revenues will rise $200 million this year. That would bring 2010 revenues to $13.9 million, up 1.5% from the dismal 2009 tally. The better news is that the growth rate is expected to accelerate a bit in the coming years, taking radio back to $16 billion in 2014. That’s due in part to a predicted 16.5% compound annual growth rate for online revenues over the coming five years.