Alternative marketing alert: Women like dog shows


The prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is in the offing, probably the premier domesticated animal show going. Of course, the dogs are the main attraction, but the event is also a great promotional vehicle – unsurprisingly, Purina is a major sponsor. If the people that like these sorts of events are the type you like in your stations audience, maybe your station should take advantage of these events too.

The Westminster program may be the biggest, but there are events of all types, featuring all different types of pets, that may offer opportunities for local stations to mingle with potential audience members.

From Media Life Magazine, here’s a peek at the Westminster audience.

* It’s a great place to find women – they make up 61% of the audience
* It skews a bit to the old side: 46-65 = 36%; 30-44 = 32%, 18-29 = 21% and 65+ = 11%
* Almost a quarter, 23%, are in $100K+ households; and 58% exceed $50K. 3% exceed $250K.

According to Media Life, it can cost as little as $200 to gain a presence at a smaller show. Also, opportunities for a presence aren’t limited to the show itself, but can include participation in the marketing buildup.

A broadcast station could perhaps barter for a presence by offering on-air interviews and other promotional services in exchange for a piece of the action.