Another pitch for radio as safety tool


StormThe Florida Division of Emergency Management is urging all residents of the state to be prepared for hurricane season, and among other things, that means having reliable access to local radio stations.

It also recommends that residents have an NOAA radio.

The agency stated, “Ensure your NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio is on and programmed for your area or stay tuned to a trusted local media outlet for the most current weather situation.”

RBR-TVBR would add that an adequate supply of batteries will be necessary to make sure citizens do not lose touch during the duration of an emergency.

RBR-TVBR observation: We happen to live in a hurricane zone, and we do have an NOAA receiver. It has its uses, that is for sure, but the content is extremely limited.

We heartily recommend that if you want to know what is going on in your area, beyond pure weather information, that you tune into your local broadcast outlets. They’ll have the human side of the story in addition to accurate weather information.