Another stakeholder signs on to protect kids


Food manufacturers and media outlets have been under pressure to watch the waistlines of the preteen set all year. Kellogg's announced its intention to limit advertising of nutritionally-suspect products to the preteen set earlier this year and recently, eleven others followed suit. Now Discovery Kids has joined to group. Ed Markey (D-MA), who has taken Capitol Hill point on this issue, was quick with a response. He said, ""I commend Discovery Kids for taking this step to help protect children from unhealthy junk food ads and look forward to reviewing the details of their proposal. By helping kids discover the world beyond junk food, Discovery Kids is making an important statement about the responsibility that media companies have to join the fight against childhood obesity." Three FCC commissioners have been involved on a task force tackling this issue, and all three were also quick to get their PR machinary in gear. Deborah Taylor Tate (R) was first, followed in rapid succession by Michael Copps (D) and Chairman Kevin Martin (R). Their remarks are available below the clickthough.

Commissioner statements

Deborah Taylor Tate (R): "Almost daily, another company does the right thing and pledges to America's families that their brand and characters will only be used for healthier foods and more active lifestyles. Today I want to applaud Discovery Kids for being at the forefront of this effort. Like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, parents can trust brands such as Discovery Kids, which have made a commitment to promoting healthy, nutritious foods."

Michael Copps (D): "It's good news that the Discovery Kids brand will be used to promote only nutritious, wholesome foods. This is the kind of commitment we hope more media companies will soon make. It will take tough and concerted action by both food and media businesses if we are really serious about putting an end to junk food ads aimed at our kids."

Chairman Kevin Martin (R): "I want to join Senators Sam Brownback (R-KS) and Tom Harkin (D-IA) and FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Deborah Taylor Tate in congratulating Discovery Communications on their decision to license the Discovery Kids name and characters for use only in connection with healthy food and beverage products. I appreciate Discovery's commitment to children's health evident in their participation in the Task Force on Media and Childhood Obesity. I also appreciate Discovery's example of voluntary commitment, high standards and good corporate citizenship."