Any guesses what's on journalists' minds?


If you guessed the economy, Don Rickles may well award you a gherkin or something. It’s no surprise that money worries dominated the Project for Excellence in Journalism report on story coverage for the week of 2/23/090-3/1/09.

It was easily on top of all five media lists, and only Barack Obama’s address to a joint session of Congress managed to join it in double-digit territory – and that story made it by the skin of its teeth with 10%.

Iraq coverage had a minor resurgence, with two story categories combining to claim 8% of the overall newshole.

Story Overall Newspaper Online Net.TV CATV Radio
Economic crisis 38% 43% 36% 36% 35% 36%
Obama to Congress 10% 6% 6% 14% 16% 13%
Iraq policy debate 6% 2% 6% 5% 10% 5%
Obama administration 5% 6% 3% 3% 6% 4%
Oscars 2% x 5% 4% x 5%
Domestic terrorism 2% 1% 6% x 2% x
Health care debate 2% 6% x x 1% 1%
Mexican drug war 2% 5% x x 2% x
US auto industry 2% x 3% x 2% 2%
Events in Iraq 2% 5% x x x x
Pakistan x 2% 2% 2% x x
Tiger Woods after surgery x 1% x x x x
Turkish plane crash/Amsterdam x x 3% 2% x x
Cyberspace issues x x 2% x x x
Clinton to Asia x x x 2% x x
Newpaper troubles x x x 1% x x
Pentagon photo ban lifted x x x 1% x x
Chimp attack x x x x 2% x
Presidential election results x x x x 2% 3%
Afghanistan x x x x x 2%
Energy debate x x x x x 2%

Source: Project for Excellence in Journalism