Arbitron verifies BusRadio’s audience measurement methodology


BusRadio, a national radio network that reaches over one million young people ages 6 to 18 in 26 states, announced Arbitron has verified its audience measurement methodology.

Average Five Minute Audience Delivery (AFMAD), measures the average number of students that can be expected to be listening to BusRadio during any five-minute segment in a daypart, defined as the entire bus trip to school in the morning or from school in the evening.

Arbitron also verified a compliance rate (turn on) of 99.1% across the BusRadio Network. Using numbers and factors such as absenteeism and after school activities Arbitron confirmed the rider numbers provided by federal funding guidelines and school districts are a valid representation of bussed students.

"BusRadio’s sponsors, and non-profit partners can now be provided with an Arbitron-verified calculation of the number of listeners reached," said Michael Yanoff, co-founder and CEO of BusRadio.

BusRadio is a unique media platform and thus the application of traditional methods to measure audience exposures to BusRadio has some limitations. The AFMAD calculation takes the school bus listening situation into account.