Broadcast avoids the endangered species list


crystal ball24/7 Wall Street has come out with its latest list of companies in imminent danger of going out of business, and most regular readers of this space can rest assured that their company is not on it – however, members of the print magazine community are not so lucky.

Both Martha Stewart Living and Road & Track are thought to be on their last legs. The combination of dwindling advertising pages without any corresponding diminishment in the cost of production and shipping have been putting strain on all print magazines, and these two are seen to be on the precipice.

One broadcast-related company was seen to be in trouble in 24/7’s previous list, and it indeed is now a relic of history. Current TV was sold to Al Jazeera, with the new owners trying to make it with a new news service in the US.

Here are the top 10 on the 2014 endangered list as far as competing in the US goes:
1. J.C. Penney
2. Nook
3. Martha Stewart Living Magazine
4. LivingSocial
5. Volvo
6. Olympus
8. Leap Wireless
9. Mitsubishi Motors
10. Road & Track
Source: 24/7 Wall Street

RBR-TVBR observation: Will these companies make a last-ditch effort to prove the predictors wrong and return to health? If so, a big part of it will likely involve a strong media campaign. Members of the broadcasting community may want to offer their services to these companies while they’re still around to avail themselves of them.