CAIR upset by Savage remarks


The Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called on radio listeners of all faiths to contact companies that advertise on Michael Savage’s nationally-syndicated radio program to express their concerns about the host’s recent anti-Muslim comments.
CAIR said Savage shouted anti-Muslim attacks included:

"I don’t wanna hear anymore about Islam. I don’t wanna hear one more word about Islam. Take your religion and shove it up your behind. I’m sick of you. What kind of religion is this? What kind of world are you living in when you let them in here with that throwback document in their hand, which is a book of hate. Don’t tell me I need reeducation. They need deportation. I don’t need reeducation. Deportation, not reeducation. You can take C-A-I-R and throw ’em out of my country. I’d raise the American flag and I’d get out my trumpet if you did it. Without due process. You can take your due process and shove it."