Five tips on why you should network in a recession

Everybody knows that networking is growing in popularity. There are social networking sites like MySpace, FaceBook and Business Networking sites such as

Challenges are Opportunities to Make Better Decisions

It’s never a good time for a crisis. Even so, the financial predicament that we’re facing couldn’t happen at a worse time

Tease promo writing secrets from the movie trailer masters

In today’s article we learn how to inject a compelling promise of a complex story right into the opening line.

More on “Opportunity: Automotive Service”

Your readership at RBR must be exploding.  I've had a ton of calls and emails regarding my memo "Opportunity, Automotive Service."  Most of them are...

Opportunity: Automotive Service

Dear Friends: On my recent calls to top advertising people at General Motors, Ford and Chrysler – all are screaming the same thing: “CARS...

Forecast or Fairytale

There you are buried under a mound of paperwork - your schedule is absorbed by meetings with managers throughout your staff, phone calls, voicemail, email, calendars, spreadsheets – all to try and figure out which lie looks

Ideas for clients in tough times

Some sales and maybe money saving ideas in these troubled times.  I don’t know if I’d passed this one along here, but if you...

Finishing on a High Note

As was discussed last month, the beginning of the radio ad is the most important part and must be used to engage listeners and get them excited and interested for the rest of the ad. Once you have engaged your listeners you will need

Getting your station ready for social media marketing

In the viral frontier of social media marketing, it is important to understand that you no longer own your station brand. For generations, TV stations

Navigating the current in social communications

I cringe when I hear agencies use the expression “media-neutral” (mea culpa, we’ve used it ourselves). It’s the kind of language that smacks

Social Media Marketing Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

In last week's article I talked about how media companies are changing their tactics to successfully integrate social media into

Hurricane Recovery

Over the years, Lund consulted stations have faced local disasters or national tragedies similar to the hurricanes that have devastated Texas and the south, so we wrote our Lund Disaster Stylebook

Slim silver lining in what looks hot

It appears that consumers haven't completely retreated from considering major purchases, as six month purchase intentions for many

Create Powerful Content! To Get, Keep and Grow Your Audience!

A while back, while helping a friend clear out her aunt’s estate, (her aunt being a woman who never threw anything out

Coaxing the givers out of would-be Grinches

Knowing in advance the current trends on consumers spending habits and what is pushing their intentions on what to buy and when is a key in increasing your sales