Closing In On Incentive Auction Success


PrestonPaddenIt is the firmly held belief of Preston Padden of the Expanding Opportunities For Broadcasters Coalition that the more broadcaster-friendly the FCC makes the incentive auction, the better it will work for all parties – that includes telcos, broadcasters, the FCC and the American public. His views are part of the special RBR+TVBR print edition available at the NAB Show in Las Vegas.

To find out what Padden had to say, all that attendees of the NAB Show in Las Vegas have to do is pick up a copy of RBR+TVBR, available free at The NAB Show. Look for our specially marked bins. And of course, loyal paid subscribers will get their own PDF version delivered straight to their inbox.

Here’s a sneak preview into some of his thoughts.

On making it easy for broadcasters to participate AND remain in business: “For example, we have urged the FCC to adopt rules governing channel sharing that are much more liberal and broadcaster-friendly than the rules in last May’s Report and Order.”

On adding market realism to the proposal when valuing stations: “The FCC’s formula ascribes equal weight to a station’s interference free covered pops and to the Station’s interference profile. Our proposal is a modest change that more appropriately reflects a station’s true spectrum value.”

Read the full Preston Padden interview and much more in the special NAB Show print edition of RBR+TVBR.