Copy points no more


Michael RuddI’m in the radio business.  More specifically I’m actually in the sports marketing business for a radio station.  Having fresh content each and every day with a passionate listener base as enabled me to fortunately avoid the “radio recession” or digression perhaps.  We have also found ways to give clients cutting edge opportunities instead of just the same old traditional advertising medium.

When we write or put together a radio spot for a client often times I will ask them to supply us with “copy points.”  Copy points are what you would like to hear (I can’t believe I actually wrote see at first!) in your radio spot.

Clients sometimes will supply me with a book’s worth of details about their company for a 30 second or a 60 second radio spot.  But in actuality all I really need is two or three copy points and the client’s message or story that they want to be heard when they hear the audio played for the first time.

Copy points are your story in the radio business, or for that matter any type of advertisement or promotional message that you are putting together.

And that story is supposed to not be about yourself but rather what you can offer the potential customer base out there.  Tell them why your story matters to them.  That’s all copy points are.

Listen closely to the advertisements you see and hear over the next few days and think about that.  Are they talking to me?  Are they telling me why their story matters to me?  What benefit or value are they offering?

Sadly there isn’t as much storytelling and problem solving going on as necessary but I’m making the point know when I speak to a client to tell them don’t think about them as “copy points” think about it more as the story you want to tell these people.

Half price appetizers, good customer service, great selection, etc aren’t going to cut it as we have more choices, more options, and more ways to find what we need.

Selling a story, delivering happiness, solving problems, bringing value, creating an idea, standing out, and marketing your company with the necessary benefits for consumers are what is going to win in the long term in the new age of marketing your company.  Along with all of those things you were already doing!

Let’s brace ourselves.  No more copy points…story points is the new way.

I’m kind of a social guy as well!  If you want to link up, laugh, learn, and interact with me pick your poison below!  If you need help getting your sales team over the hump I can help with my keynote speeches and interactive workshops.  Email me at [email protected] for my speaker kit and we can customize something for your team.

Carpe Diem!


–Mike Rudd is a Sports Marketing Specialist, Author, Speaker, and Hot Dog Extraordinaire!  He can be found at and his new book Hot Dogs, A Little Marketing, and A Lot of Fun can be found on Amazon.