Don’t shield reporter’s shield from veto pen


Last week we said we’d be happy to wait until after the election to enact a federal reporter’s shield.

NYT goes to bat for federal shield

This correspondent has a different idea:

The problem with “wait until next year” is going through the entire process again…and again. Depending on local state laws doesn’t address the issue from the federal perspective and as RBR has noted on many other occasions (such as the music license issue) an issue worth fighting for is worth doing so on the proper timetable. With progress so close, and so much momentum on this issue built upon months and months of education and work by supporters of the Federal Shield Law, it makes sense to push forward despite the threat of a Presidential veto. Experience shows redress is often a marathon, and so close to the finish line it seems a shame to pull off on the sideline and figure the last lap will be easier to run another day.

Edward L. Esposito

Vice President, Information Services

Rubber City Radio Group


Akron OH