Emergency Stay Petition denied; Commerce Committee drums up a meeting


The US District Court of Appeals has denied a petition submitted by a number of webcaster associations for an emergency stay, according to the SaveNetRadio coalition. The stay, if granted, would have delayed the 7/15 due date of royalty payments owed by webcasters to SoundExchange as part of the rate increase by the Copyright Royalty Board. SaveNetRadio.org is also directing webcasters, artists and listeners to contact members of Congress to urge them to bring IREA to the floor for an immediate vote, RAIN reported.

Meanwhile, The House Commerce Committee, via Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) called on representatives from the webcast and recording industries to meet yesterday to discuss a settlement that would provide webcasters a compromise to the new rates. Legislation currently before Congress, H.R. 2060 and S. 1353 – the Internet Radio Equality Act (IREA) is still pending as well. It would vacate the Copyright Royalty Board's decision and set a 2006-2010 royalty rate at the same level currently paid by satellite radio services (7.5% of revenue.) The bill would also change the royalty rate-setting standard used in royalty arbitrations, so that the standard applied to webcasters would align with that applied to satellite radio.