EMF wheels and deals in southern Oregon


$250K KLMD-FM Medford-Ashland OR (Talent OR) from James D. McDaniel to Educational Media Foundation (Mike Novak). Cash. Buyer will assume responsibility for any bidding credit remuneration owed to the FCC It CP to upgrade is approved, seller will receive an additional $200K. [FCC file date 7/23/13]

$125K FM CP Klamath Falls OR (Malin CP) to Basin Mediactive LLC (Robert J. Ingstad) to Educational Media Foundation (Mike Novak). $125K ($12.5J escrow, balance in cash at closing) and swap of K280BW. EMF will also attempt to effectuate CP for third party that will allow upgrade of Basin’s KLAD-FM Klamath Falls OR. CP is for Class C3 on 100.7 MHz with 420 W @ 2,214’. [FCC file date 7/22/13]