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Air America to add KPOP-AM San Diego reports that Air America Radio is telling ad clients and radio insiders that their new San Diego home will be at KPOP-AM. Monday, 8/16 is the expected kick off day.

Marketron soon offering spot load monitoring capabilities

Two key challenges facing any radio group that wishes to increase the value of their inventory by reducing clutter will be policing stations and monitoring the effect of spot load reductions on rate and sell-out levels. Cox Radio just alluded to this on their earnings call.

Marketron announced it offer spot load monitoring capabilities in the next release of its new Corporate Analysis software in October. It will allow group managers to track spot loads for any station and analyze how changes to spot load are affecting rates and sell-out levels.

Introduced last month, Marketron Corporate Analysis provides reporting and intelligence on performance, revenue and pacing across multiple stations.

Marketron Corporate Analysis extracts data directly from live sales and traffic data, ensuring accurate and tamper-proof reports. Group executives seeking to cut clutter and increase the value of their inventory will be able to discern which stations need to further reduce their inventory levels.

Data mapping and filtering tools enable users to evaluate and rank performance by multiple criteria including customizable categories (e.g. Automotive, Telecom and Fast Food), business type (e.g. National and Local) and revenue type (e.g. Political, NTR and Local Agency).

London cell phones to get DAB radio

Mobile phones could have DAB digital radio within the next 12 months according to London-based Eureka-147 DAB chip-maker RadioScape. "I know companies are considering putting it in phones now, so it won't be long," Nigel Oakley, VP of marketing at RadioScape told Electronic News. "I don't think it will be GSM chipsets holding digital radio up."

Oakley said the price of DAB was not necessarily an issue for consumers of mobile phones as the phones are subsidized anyway. "They [DAB chipsets] will be small enough and capable enough probably in 12 months," said Oakley.

Many mobile phones already feature an FM radio and 3G phones due out this Christmas are expected to have them, as well.

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