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A spot is a spot is a spot

Cox Radio President/CEO discussed many of the hottest issues facing big radio groups today in his quarterly confab with Wall Streeters.

On the Clear Channel diet: He applauded the giant's decision to limit spotloads to 10-12 units per hour, a level he said Cox has maintained for years, saying it had to help everyone in the business hold rates. However, he strongly questioned the proposed move to 30-second spots. "I'm a little confused about that," he said.

Although others have hailed the move as a clutter-reducer, Neil said he felt such a claim would be lost on an average listener. 12 commercials in 12 minutes will be seen as 12. However, he thinks 24 commercials in 12 minutes would be seen as 24, and the perception of clutter would still be alive and well.

Another problem CC may face is simply enforcing the spotload limits it is setting. Neil said it's human nature to bend the rules, especially when you think you're helping your company by so doing. He said CC will probably get help on the street from rival sales forces.

How does Cox do it? Death penalty. If you plan to monkey with the company's spot level dictates, you'd best have your resume in order.

As for the Infinity/Arbitron divorce, he applauded Infinity's courage and said he understands their reasoning, but cautioned that it may have a "degree of difficulty" which will be tough to overcome. He said ask him about it in six months after we have some numbers to look at.

It won't happen in the next year, but the company will be moving aggressively into HD radio, especially three-four year out. And the effects of the privatization of cable division Cox Communications? None - - it'll be business as usual at the radio wing.

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