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A glimpse of the Kerry FCC

At a press conference last month, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), a leading foe of media consolidation, suggested that his task - - resisting consolidation in general and the FCC 6/2/03 ownership ruling in particular - - would be much easier under a John Kerry-appointed FCC. We can now confirm that this will be true.

"...I will do my part to bring more diversity into the media," Kerry told those assembled at the UNITY: Journalists of Color Inc. 2004 convention. "Right now people of color make up 32% of the nation's population but only 13% of daily newspaper staffs. And people of color represent only a tiny fraction of the number of editors, anchors, and executives at our nation's premier news organizations. Right now only 4.2% of radio stations and 1.5% of TV stations are owned by minorities. I look around at all the talent in this room and say to the management of these organizations, we can do better."

He continued, "As president, I will expand opportunities for people of color in the media, by appointing FCC commissioners committed to enforcing equal employment and insuring that small and minority-owned broadcasters are not consolidated into extinction."

UNITY is a consortium of members of four journalist organizations: Asian American Journalists Association, National Association of Black Journalists, National Association of Hispanic Journalists and Native American Journalists Association. George W. Bush will address the group today.

RBR observation:

We can only say that, as far as EEO goes, those guys and gals in with the wooden hammers and long the black robes have a thing or two to say on the subject, and as a result the FCC is quite familiar with the phrase "try, try again." The FCC will continue to face this challenge regardless of who sits in the Oval Office.

However, Hinchey is absolutely correct on consolidation. The FCC is charged with redoing its 6/2/03 ruling, and if three Democrats control the process, the results are sure to be radically different than they were on the first Republican-controlled go-around.

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