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Jim Carnegie, Editor & Publisher
A matter of primary concern

The Republican Party has moved its presidential primary up to 1/19/08, a move which puts it at odds with New Hampshire state law and may likely have a ripple effect felt in Iowa as well. The already-truncated 2008 primary schedule was to kick off with caucuses in Iowa 1/14/08, followed by Nevada on 1/19/08. Then the tradition first primary in New Hampshire would be held on 1/22/08. New Hampshire state law dictates that it maintain its lead-off status, and it's 1/22/08 slot is only tentative at this point. It is expected that it will move up to get ahead of SC, which in turn may force Iowa to move to an earlier date. The schedule, which used to take place over a period of months, has been compressed in large part by a convergence of states all holding their events on 2/5/08, a date which has come to be known as Super Duper Tuesday.

TVBR observation:
So your end-of-year specialty advertisers may have unexpected company. Along with the post-holiday clearance bonanza and champagne is for lovers ads there may well be quite a few pointing out how one's slimy opponent is in the pocket of special interests. Just the thing to keep the public in the holiday mood. But hey, anything that keeps broadcast cash registers ringing into the traditional January doldrums is a good thing, right?

Tentative primary dates

Alabama: 2/5/08

Alaska: 2/5/08 (c)

Arizona: 2/26/08 (tentative)

Arkansas: 2/5/08

California: 2/5/08

Colorado: 2/5/08 (c-D) (according to AP, CO Republicans may move to this date as well)

Connecticut: 2/5/08

Delaware: 2/5/08

District of Columbia: 2/12/08

Florida: 1/29/08

Georgia: 2/5/08

Hawaii: (c-R) in last two weeks of Jan. or 1st two of Feb.

Idaho: 2/5/08 (c-D); primary 5/27/08

Illinois: 2/5/08

Indiana: 5/6/08

Iowa: 1/14/08 (c)

Kansas: 2/5/08 (c-D); 2/9/08 (c-R)

Kentucky: 5/20/08

Louisiana: 2/9/08

Maine: 2/1/08 (c-R), 2/10/08 (c-D)

Maryland: 2/12/08

Massachusetts: 3/4/08

Michigan: Tentative 2/5/08 (c-R), 2/9/07 (c-D), both may move up

Minnesota: 2/5/08 (R-c) (according to AP, MN Democrats may move to this date as well)

Mississippi: 3/11/08

Missouri: 2/5/08

Montana: c-R some time in Feb.; primary 6/3/07

Nebraska: 2/9/08 (c-D); primary 5/13/08

Nevada: 1/19/08 (c)

New Hampshire: 1/22/08

New Jersey: 2/5/08

New Mexico: 2/5/08 (c-D); 6/3/07 (c-R)

New York: 2/5/08

North Carolina: 5/6/08

North Dakota: 2/5/08 (c)

Ohio: 3/4/08 (considering move to 1/29/08)

Oklahoma: 2/5/08

Oregon: 5/20/08

Pennsylvania: 4/22/08 (considering move to Feb.)

Rhode Island: 3/4/08

South Carolina: 1/19/08 (R); 1/29/08 (D)

South Dakota: 6/3/07

Tennessee: 2/5/08

Texas: 3/4/08

Utah: 2/5/08

Vermont: 3/4/08

Virginia: 2/12/08

Washington: 2/9/08 (c); primary 2/19/08

West Virginia: 2/5/08 (R) (WV Republicans holding state convention); primary 5/13/08

Wisconsin: 2/19/08

Wyoming: 1/22/08 (c); 3/8/08 (c-D)

(c) = caucus; (R) = Republican only; (D) = Democrat only
Source: Associated Press


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