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Political TV ad spend sets record for off year elections

After some of the most hotly contested off year political races in history, TNS Media Intelligence/CMAG announced that 2005 political and issue advertising on television reached a record 515 million for an "off year" election season. In gubernatorial and mayoral elections from New Jersey and Virginia to New York City and LA, candidates increasingly turned to television advertising to communicate their messages and gain recognition.

Overall, TV ad spend on mayoral races topped 72 million nationally. In NYC, over 44 million was spent on televised political advertisements for the mayoral race. Incumbent Michael Bloomberg spent a record 30 million to help win this re-election. The combined expenditure of 56 mayoral races across the country, including those in Los Angeles, Detroit, Cleveland, Houston and Boston, totaled less than Bloomberg's single campaign. Bloomberg's challenger, Democrat Fernando Ferrer spent 6 million on television ads in his quest for office.

TNS MI/CMAG also reports record TV spending for the gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia. In New Jersey, 40 million was spent on TV ads, with Governor-Elect Jon Corzine spending 25 million and Republican Doug Forrester spending 15 million. Both candidates blanketed the airways in the weeks leading up to the election, as polls showed the race had tightened in the final weeks of the campaign. The combined expenditures represented an over 100% increase over the last New Jersey gubernatorial race in 2001.

In Virginia, over 16 million was spent on political TV ads, with Democrat Timothy Kaine spending 8 million dollars in his winning campaign. Republican Jerry Kilgore also spent 8 million, in his failed attempt for the governorship.

In California, all four of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's reform initiatives were defeated by the voters. In total, over 90 million was spent on television advertisements in the state's five largest media markets, with over 30 million being spent in the last two weeks alone. The groups that opposed the governor's ballot initiatives spent over 63 million on TV ads, while those in support spent an estimated 30 million. In total, the California special election accounted for almost 20% of all political television advertising during the 2005 campaign.

"The political ad 'season' is becoming longer with each election, and candidates are starting their ad campaigns earlier than ever," said Evan Tracey, Chief Operating Officer of TNS Media Intelligence/CMAG, a TNS MI company dedicated to tracking and analyzing political ad spending. "We are already seeing candidates running for office in 2006 starting to air TV and radio ads, indicating that 2006 is poised for record spending."

Television ad spend for Federal issues accounted for over 150 million during 2005. Issues such as social security reform, healthcare related issues and prescription drug coverage, and the Supreme Court nominees were major focuses of significant spending. Over 2 million was spent on TV ads surrounding the Supreme Court nominees. One million dollars was spent on pro-John Roberts TV ads and 613,000 on anti-Roberts ads. While 62,000 was spent on ads endorsing the nomination of Harriet Miers, over 220,000 has already been spent in favor of the recent nomination of Samuel Alito, and that number, along with anti-Alito ads, is expected to greatly increase as confirmation hearings are not scheduled until 1/9/06.

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