Fairness conflict of interest?


Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) had more reason than most to worry about the presence of liberal talkers on the radio – a quick scan of husband Tom Athan’s resume reveals why. In fact, he was involved in three networks aiming to provide balance to the decided right-wing slant of recent political radio talk. He was co-founder of Democracy Radio, a top exec at Air America, and co-founder of TalkUSA, liberal talk webs all. He was also cited for a driving infraction that involved a prostitute.

He still makes a home with Sen. Stabenow in Lansing MI.

RBR/TVBR observation: There are two conventional wisdoms out there – that a plot to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine is ready to go national at any moment is one; and the other is that there is in fact no organized effort, on Capitol Hill, at least, to do so. This incident could be cited as evidence by both camps, so our current advice is to stay tuned.