FCC issues guidelines for national EAS test


The entire nation is expected to participate in the national emergency alert test being run by the FCC and FEMA on 11/9/11. Stations are to return reports on their experiences no later than 12/27/11. Material connected to the test is being made available on the FCC website.

Just in case there is anybody out there wondering why the government is going through with this exercise, the FCC states, “The purpose of the test is to assess the reliability and effectiveness of the EAS as a way to alert the public of national emergencies. The test is diagnostic in nature and is intended to allow the FCC and FEMA to determine how well the nationwide EAS works and to make improvements if necessary.”

Much of the test-related material is available here.

There will be three different forms to fill out and return either electronically or by regular mail delivery.
The FCC has a handbook to be used for the test to be readily available to relevant staff members and at the proper locations within the station’s facility.

There are also PSAs available in both English and Spanish that stations can use to prepare their audience for the experience.