FCC November meeting tackles spectrum use


The next FCC open meeting will drag the television industry into the search for spectrum as the Commission seeks to find space for wireless digital applications. The session is scheduled on the last possible day, 11/30/10. NAB signaled last month that it will be listening with an open mind – and very attentively.

In addition to probing access to television spectrum, the FCC will be looking at wireless and undeveloped spectrum areas.

Here is the text of the TV plank:

“TV Spectrum Innovation NPRM: A Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on rules to facilitate the most efficient use of the UHF and VHF TV bands. These proposals, an important step toward the agency’s spectrum goals as outlined in the National Broadband Plan, would remove a host of obstacles to mobile broadband use within spectrum currently reserved for use by TV broadcasters, including through innovations such as channel sharing and generating increased value within the VHF band.”

One entity that is sure to be ready with comments is the NAB. When FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski commented on plans for the November meeting back in late October, NAB’s Dennis Wharton commented, “NAB looks forward to working with policymakers to ensure that efficient spectrum deployment matches actual spectrum demand, and that America’s leadership in providing the finest free and local broadcasting system in the world is not compromised.”