Give Arbitron a hug


I almost fell out of my chair this afternoon when I read a bulletin about nine radio broadcasters actually stepping up to the aide of Arbitron. Telling the FCC to "nose out" was an astounding move by these radio people and I salute them! But what are they going to do about Cuomo? I realize radio companies have a bad track record in dealing with new technology (AM stereo and HD just to name a couple). But, the PPM’s success is vital to the future of radio! Sure it has warts and I understand that Arbitron has taken some credibility hits recently, but the diary is done…cooked… put a fork in it! If we allow this "Eliot Spitzer Jr-like" guy Cuomo to kill any credibility the PPM has, we will suffer for it. The advertisers want the PPM. God only knows we don’t need to give them another reason to not buy radio. Where is the NAB? Where is CCU? I know where Cumulus is…still trying to find another cheaper ratings service. Arbitron needs some backing here and maybe even a hug.

Alan Gray

35 year radio veteran