Has Axelrod decided Obama toothpaste comes in many flavors?


Barack ObamaThe Obama re-election effort, powered by David Axelrod, Communications Director for Obama’s re-election campaign, is likely dropping a heck of a lot of ad money—and soon. We are hearing from a spot cable interconnect that a very small market in Ohio has just received a $5,000 buy for two weeks. “If he’s spending $5K on this market for two weeks (a few thousand subs), he must be dropping $500K in Cleveland and even more in Columbus. I just looked at my records—he’s 7-8 weeks earlier with this than the kind of money he spent four years ago. This is huge.”

The effort is running :60’s and :30’s. The states for this spot cable buy include Colorado, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and wait…NEW HAMPSHIRE.

We’ve never considered New Hampshire a swing state. The Obama Campaign must think that because of all of the independents and folks who moved from Massachusetts to the southern part of New Hampshire to beat the taxes, they can own New Hampshire by doing this. They must have hit on some new research that indicates New Hampshire should be a swing state for them.

RBR-TVBR observation: Just as a note, on the last election, the cable interconnect operator had 35 spots on record for McCain. Obama had over 140, so he changes copy on the fly to address new election factors as they develop. Let’s face it—all of the recent polls show this is going to be a tight race in many states and Obama’s campaign is not wasting time. Romney needs to do the same and get aggressive now if he wants to counter.