Liberty University expands again


Jerry Falwell Jr. is expanding the reach of his Liberty University non-commercial Religious broadcast group. This time, he’s going out-of-state and getting an up-and-running group of stations in North Carolina from Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa.

The stations include WAJC-FM Zebulon, not far from Raleigh-Durham; WGPS-FM Elizabeth City; WPGT-FM Roanoke Rapids; and WJIJ-FM Norlina NC. Two translators are also included in the package.

The price will be $1.25M cash.

There is one other thing, though – Calvary will be permitted to air its program “The Word for Today” on each of the stations every weekday for as long as Liberty U. owns them. And credit the lawyers for steering clear of any unauthorized control issues by inserting a clause acknowledging that Liberty retains the right to preempt the program if they deem it necessary.