Limbaugh tops pols in poll


CBS’s “60 Minutes” teamed with Vanity Fair to find out who has the most influential voice in American conservatism, and no actual politician could come even remotely close to radio’s own Rush Limbaugh, the pick of 26% of those polled.

Glenn Beck, who swims in both the audio and video media, came in second with 11%. Actual politicians Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney shared 3rd place with 10% each.

The wide-ranging poll was not strictly focused on the hottest issues of the day. One question involved which of seven suggested past presidents to add to Mount Rushmore – John Kennedy bested Ronald Reagan 29%-20% — and there were no further questions with significant media-related answers.

RBR-TVBR observation: That Limbaugh can maintain such a high profile during a period in which most observers would say radio is in decline is amazing. It also suggests that even though Beck has been very hot of late, he still has some catching up to do.

As for Limbaugh and Beck, it is well known that it is far easier to be on the outs criticizing an administration than it is to be defending the actions of an administration you may have helped gain election. With a minimum of three years of Democratic rule in store, their immediate prospects for staying on top look excellent.