LPTV cut-off date set


June 30 is a key day for Class A television stations, low power television stations and translators. The FCC is accepting displacement modifications, minor modifications, flashcut proposals from how until then.

Far be it from us to garble this technical material in trying to translate it. Here then, are the FCC’s instructions as it wrote them:

Existing analog and digital Class A, low power television, and TV translators may file displacement and minor modification applications at any time.  Moreover, existing Class A, low power, and translator stations may file applications for digital conversion (“flash-cut”) at anytime.  The Commission has received existing analog and digital Class A, low power, and translator displacement, minor modification, and flash-cut applications that do not comply with the Commission’s interference protection requirements because they are in conflict with pre-transition full-service stations’ operations. Many of these applications will be in compliance with Commission interference standards after the full-service digital transition on June 12, 2009.  Therefore, any such Class A, low power, or translator application filed prior to the end of the full-service digital transition, on June 12, 2009, through June 30, 2009 will be treated for cut-off purposes as being filed on June 30, 2009.

Any questions concerning this matter should be directed to Hossein Hashemzadeh (technical) or Shaun Maher (legal) of the Video Division, Media Bureau at 202-418-1600.