Media becomes the Blagosphere


The Illinois governor/alleged Senate seat peddler Rod Blagojevich was the top story for the week of 12/8/08-12/14/08, propelled there by getting nearly half of the available time on the cable news networks, according to the Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Radio, which gave Blago a 37% share compared to cable’s 44%, wasn’t far behind. Newspaper editors thought the auto industry crisis was a bigger story, however, and it tied for first at network television. The general lack of ongoing election news (with the notable exception of Minnesota) allowed a wide variety of stories to get a mention.

Story Overall Newspaper Online Net.TV CATV Radio
Blagojevich scandal 28% 12% 29% 20% 44% 37%
US auto industry 18% 15% 19% 20% 21% 16%
Financial crisis 11% 14% 6% 16% 7% 12%
New Obama administration 8% 10% 8% 4% 8% 5%
Missing girl in FL 2% x 4% 2% 4% x
Domestic terrorism 2% 3% x 2% 2% 2%
Global warming 2% 6% x 2% x x
Mumbai terror attacks 2% 4% 3% x x x
Events in Iraq 2% 4% x 2% x x
Riots in Greece 1% x 5% x x x
Holiday season x 2% 2% x 1% x
Taxes x 2% x x x x
SD Marine jet crash x x 4% 2% x x
Afghanistan x x 3% x x x
East coast storms x x x 3% x x
Presidential election results x x x x 2% x
Immigration x x x x 1% x
Newspaper troubles x x x x 1% 1%
Pakistan x x x x x 3%
Zimbabwe elections x x x x x 1%
Congressional election results x x x x x 1%
Congressional scandals x x x x x 1%

Source: Project for Excellence in Journalism