Mobile shopping is a 60-60 proposition this holiday season


According to a study from BIGresearch’s Prosper Mobile Insights, over 60% of smartphone/tablet users are going to put the devices to work during the upcoming holiday shopping season, and over 60% of the 60% are going to use the devices to make actual purchases and for comparison shopping.

61.7% of all shoppers will be putting their mobile devices to work as part of their holiday shopping campaign. Of that group, 60.8% will be using the device as a “mobile shopping mall” – using it to buy and to shop. The remaining 39.2% will be using the devices more as a digital notebook, to store lists, budgets, etc.

For those planning to actually make purchases, they expect to spend almost four of every ten dollars using their digital device.

56.7% say they will use the device during the planning/research stage; and 40.2% during the shopping/in-store stage. Only 3.1% will use it merely to share their own personal shopping experience with others.

The digital buying is expected to kick off right along with the brick-and-mortar buying, with the one difference that there’s no need to wait until Black Friday for consumers who are doing their shopping online. Here are the percentages likely to buy, and when, as the Thanksgiving holiday plays out:

* Thanksgiving Day: 30.1%
* Black Friday: 66.9%
* Saturday after Thanksgiving: 58.6%
* Sunday after Thanksgiving: 48.6%
* Cyber Monday: 63.5%

RBR-TVBR observation: Does this affect broadcast advertising sales? Yes, and it can affect it in a good way if your sales team plays its cards right – and here, we’re thinking proximity to point of purchase. Check out this idea:

If a consumer is going to make a purchase using a mobile device, that device is most likely instantly accessible to the consumer as an ad is being seen or heard. An advertising message could be used to invite the consumer to the proper website to make an immediate purchase.

If the client makes a compelling statement on the air about a great offer, and sees results start to flow in as soon as the message hits the air, we think you’ll have that client on your roster for quite some time.