NBC skewered by animated short (video)


A Taiwan-based animation house, Next Media Animation, is drawing attention to itself by producing some comedy pieces – not to mention that it probably generates some ad revenue from posting them on YouTube. The latest pokes fun at NBC for its ratings woes.

Of course, the piece takes liberties with the financial aspect, implying that Comcast paid $13 billion just for NBC. In fact, Comcast bought a majority stake in all of NBCUniversal and Comcast executives have claimed that there is upside in the TV network because the deal pricing was based mainly on the highly profitable and growing cable networks business, with very little value ascribed to the Peacock Network.

Still, it is fun to watch.

RBR-TVBR observation: Will this video ensure that Next Media Animation never, ever gets a dime of business from Comcast/NBCU? Or will folks at the media giant find it amusing and creative? Can they take a joke?