Nielsen Audio Loves Hispanic Radio: Here’s Why


It is possible to get insightful and informative information that can help move your business in just six minutes? The Hispanic Radio Podcast from Streamline Publishing’s Radio + Television Business Report and Radio INK could be the catalyst for new growth opportunities and great ideas that you and your team can bring to full fruition.

As we get ready for the 2018 Hispanic Radio Conference, which begins Tuesday (3/13) in Miami, Nielsen Audio Managing Director Brad Kelly chats with RBR+TVBR Editor-in-Chief Adam R Jacobson in this latest podcast. Kelly is ready for a little sunshine and a respite from some tough winter weather — and he’s eagerly anticipating one of his favorite conferences. What makes the Hispanic Radio Conference such a well-liked event?

“The Hispanic Radio Conference is something that we at Nielsen have supported and have participated in for a lot of years,” Kelly says. “We regard it as, not just an important event, but an increasingly important event. Everybody knows that Latinos represent a large and growing portion of the economy. Couple that with the fact that Hispanics are extraordinary radio users.”

What else does Kelly have to say, and why should you still consider attending?

Take six minutes and listen. It could change your life — and your business — in a positive way.

Kelly will be joined by Nielsen Audio’s John Snyder and Rich Tunkel on a panel that shares Nielsen Audio’s “guided tour of radio,” an extension of a Road Show with key stakeholders and major CPG brands on the questions, reactions and feedback they are getting.

The session is Wednesday, March 14 at 11am.  


2018 Hispanic Radio Conference – Payment in Full $795