Programming guidance on delivery


We’re talking the stork kind, based on a survey done by HCD Research. HCD wanted to know how many people would watch the delivery of a child live on the internet – which is what one woman plans to do. A full 75% said they would give it a pass.

We know we certainly will not be tuning in. We’ve been there twice, and although we wouldn’t have missed it for the world, twice was enough.

In fact, at the time, we couldn’t help reflecting on the fact that although we were there in the delivery room, our own fathers were never asked to be present. In fact, they were often shunted off to local taverns where they had an opportunity to self-medicate if they so desired. (We will note in passing that fathers are just about the only people in a delivery room who are not offered any form of medication.)

RBR-TVBR observation: Our point is this – if people don’t want to watch it on the internet, they won’t want to watch it on TV either, so do not attempt to weave an actual or realistically simulated delivery into your scripted or reality programming.