Seismic shift in store for Senate?


The rumor mill late last week was running hot and heavy with word that Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) was being considered by the Obama administration for the Secretary of Commerce cabinet position that was abruptly abandoned by New Mexico Gov. Bill Richards. That would put Gregg in charge of NTIA, making him nominally responsible for the final throes of the DTV converter box coupon program. Gregg told inquirers that he wasn’t at liberty to discuss the matter.

RBR/ TVBR observation: Something’s going on, or Gregg’s liberty would still be available. And this would also be a brilliant political move on Obama’s part. Gregg may take the bait, since he’s known to be an endangered species and is sporting a great big bulls-eye as Democrats hunt down the last of the moderate wing of the Republican Party in New England. The Democratic governor of New Hampshire would appoint a Democrat to take his seat, and if Al Franken hangs on as expected in Minnesota, the Democrats suddenly have their bullet-proof, filibuster-busting 60th seat.