Senate Commerce Committee tees up DTV


And it will also be teeing up FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and Meredith Attwell Baker, the Acting Assistant Secretary of Commerce, Communications and Information, NTIA, to discuss the current state of the DTV transition. Baker is also a lame duck, so this should be her last appearance. Neil Patel has already been named as her replacement. The session on Capitol Hill will focus on issues of consumer awareness and the status of the digital-to-analog converter box program.

Meanwhile, the House Commerce Committee is getting ready to take a look at the 700 MHz spectrum auction. For broadcasters, this session can safely be filed in the "been there, done with that" circular file, but it will likely give Martin another chance for a public appearance on the Hill. If you want proof that it’ll likely be a taxing experience just look at the scheduled date for the session: 4/15/08.