Special EEO Reports Coming Due


FCCThe Broadcast Mid-Term Report, otherwise known as FCC Form 397, is coming due for certain broadcast stations based on the their last license expiration date. Stations at the front of the line have about a week and a half to turn in their material.

The reports are due on the fourth anniversary of the last license renewal application deadline, four months ahead of the license expiration date.

So stations with an expiration date of 10/1/11, and a license renewal deadline of 6/1/11, are now up to bat, with the report due 6/1/15.

The group of stations in that group are in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia.

Stations elsewhere in the US will have the reports come due as their four year anniversaries come up on a staggered basis.

Radio stations that are part of an employment unit with ten or more employees, and television stations in a unit with five or more, must fill out the Form and include the unit’s two most recent EEO public file reports.

Groups with employment units in multiple license expiration dates have some flexibility in determining grouping and timing, and the FCC stated that they should already have made such determinations.