Survey says UK satisfied with broadcast fixed schedule


Entertainment on demand and program time shifting may be getting headlines, but a Deloitte survey conducted in the United Kingdom says that for now at least, the ease of accessing scheduled broadcast television and radio content would still have British citizens tuning in.

According to a Reuters story on Deloitte 2010 TMT Predictions, the use of devices to time shift programming or download it from the internet will continue to increase, but the majority will continue to get their programming the old-fashioned way, simply tuning in to their television or radio receiver and picking and choosing from what happens to be on the air at the time.

The report estimates that traditional methods will account for 90% of video consumption and 80% of audio consumption.

The news isn’t so good for newspapers and their digital counterparts, both of which are expected to struggle.

RBR-TVBR observation: The good news is that broadcasters still have time to adapt. But anybody who reads this as evidence that there is no need to adapt is not paying attention – the future is digital and the goal is multiple revenue streams. Use the time consumers are granting well.

Extra bonus hint: The broadcast advantage over most existing digital platforms is its local orientation. Use it.