Taking issue with Jim Boyle


This reader doesn’t think much of the suggestions for the radio industry from CL King analyst Jim Boyle (3/4/08 RBR #44).


That is the biggest bunch of bull I’ve heard in a long time — Does Boyle realize how many baseball hats and emails you’d have to sell to make an idiotic idea like that work?

This is the kind of thought process that’s circling Radio — it’s like watching the employees of the Pony Express wonder what they were going to do after they saw the train and telegraph coming. Yes, I was there — it had to feel much like being in radio today—they didn’t stand a chance.

Radio, however, does —

P-1’s and human beings are only interested in CONTENT — also they want to feel connected again to fun irreverent people who share the same lifestyle.

We have programmers trying to program formats they know nothing about, let alone knowing anything about the listeners’ lifestyles — sure they’re fully equipped with stereotypes and hearsay — but most are so busy trying to program so many stations they themselves have no visible lifestyle.

Please stop the Chinese fire drill and develop local content.

Jeffrey S Woodbury