The downside of product ubiquity


When I was a kid, we didn't eat gelatin, we ate Jell-O. In my earliest office environments, we didn't make a copy, we made a Xerox. To this day, even though I have no brand soft drink brand preference, and still catch myself ordering a Coke, even when I know I'm in a place that doesn't serve Coca Cola. McDonald's has achieved this kind of identification with its product. But apparently the burger giant has decided that not all publicity is good.

It is now in the position of attempting to change the Oxford English Dictionary, of all things. The reason? There is a word in there, McJob, which according to PR trade Bulldog Reporter's Daily Dog, is defined as "an unstimulating low-paid job with few prospects." McDonald's finds it insulting to its workforce, and claims its role as a first-time employment portal is valuable and important.

RBR observation: The point is, the definition of McJob didn't have to mention McDonald's for everybody to know what they were talking about. And this wasn't even in the US – this particular flap was took place in Great Britain and was reported by the BBC. We'd guess that a lot of rival fast food services wouldn't mind having to deal with a McProblem like this.