Time Warner Cable chooses NC for expansion project


By the time three years have elapsed, Time Warner Cable will have hired 225 employees and spent $101M to construct two new facilities to be located in Charlotte NC. A National Data Center will be one of two TWC will operate to service its US customers.

The NDC will encompass 178K square feet, and will be designed with growth in mind. According to TWC, the building will offer a “virtual cloud environment,” getting core products – video, date, voice and commercial services – to customers efficiently. It also will be able to double its capacity going forward.

The second building will be 103.5K square feet and is targeted for completion in 2013. By 2014, TWC expects to have filled its anticipated 225 job openings.

North Carolina Gov. Bev Purdue hailed the announcement. “Time Warner Cable has long known what more and more companies across the country are discovering every day: North Carolina is the right place to grow business,” she said. “Time Warner Cable’s sustained ability to grow in our state shows that we are providing the business environment, skilled workforce and infrastructure that businesses need.”