Will mics and cameras enter upon Souter’s exit?


It will probably take more than a change in just one of the nine seats on the Supreme Court bench, but the upcoming departure of David Souter may be good news for members of the electronic media who would like to have the tools of their trade available when covering court business. Souter’s absent body may be as positive for electronics as the threat of having to bring them in over his dead body was negative. We also recall that the Chief Justice John Roberts was being chaperoned through confirmation by multi-career man Fred Thompson, Thompson assured him that the cameras do not bite.

RBR/TVBR observation: It’s not just court business, it’s the people’s business. There is no prohibition on reporters recording what goes on in the Court, just how they do it. Microphones and cameras often do a better job then pens and steno pads. And the people have a right to see it. This is long overdue.