CC Radio, CC Outdoor move the needle for entertainment companies


Major film studios have made multiplatform deals with as of late with Clear Channel’s radio, digital, mobile and outdoor platforms. Among the deals are  custom content for web and mobile audiences, and full-motion video boards converted into giant movie screens.

Entertainment companies embraced CC Outdoor’s digital billboard networks for the first time in 2009, leveraging the boards’ ability to dynamically change content to feature specific aspects of a film’s marketing campaign. Leading the charge here: Disney, Lionsgate, Sony Pictures and Warner Brothers.

Getting a jump on 2010 are Disney, MGM and Universal Pictures – all have booked time to promote upcoming releases. And, in one of the approaches among the new campaigns, CC Radio collaborated to create custom digital experiences that extend the reach of major films. To support the DVD release of “A Haunting in Connecticut,” short-form spots including five-second “adlets” and 15-second ads were used to build heavy frequency (60 times per week) across 55 stations in highly targeted markets. Because of the mix of spot lengths, the campaign was able to rotate four different spots, avoiding over-saturation.

FOX became the first sponsor to create a mobile “roadblock” within Clear Channel’s iheartradio application to promote the premiere of “GLEE.” A gateway ad appeared while the mobile application loaded onto iPhones and BlackBerry phones, and again on every third user interaction such as switching a station.

In another use of digital boards, CC Outdoor plans “Movie Nights Under the Lights”, enabling a studio or cable channel to air a different feature film each Monday on the company’s giant SpectacolorHD video board in the heart of Times Square. Running throughout July and August, the campaign builds on the highly successful screening of the first feature-length film on the SpectacolorHD board last Memorial Day. “On the Town”, starring Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra as sailors on leave in New York City, aired during “Fleet Week”.