Commercials need conflict


Jeffrey HedquistLife is full of conflict (No it’s not!), yet most radio commercials have none.  The characters in commercials usually agree with each other (Says who?). Conflict will breathe life into your radio commercials and make them more “real.”  Conflicts don’t have to be violent (They could be!) They can be resolved completely or only partially by the end of the spot, maybe even introducing new ones (Hey, what’re you lookin’ at?).  Conflict can take many forms.  It can be two or more people in a relationship with differing views on the same subject (Meet my family.).  One character can be the “believer” and another the skeptic (Prove it.).  Radio listeners will automatically identify with the skeptic (maybe).  As the believer tries to make a case, the skeptic keeps coming up with rational or even outrageous objections (I refuse to agree with you on Wednesdays.), providing an opportunity for humor (or not.). 

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