100.5 Max-FM lets listeners control the tunes


100.5 Max-FM (WXMM-FM) Norfolk-VA Beach is the first radio station in the world to actually allow listeners total control to program the music. This new concept will allow each listener to select from thousands of “rock titles”, and program the music.

“We feel it’s extremely important to be honest with our fans, when we say we are Hampton Roads Rock Station, now we really are, programmed by our listeners.” says Eric Mastel, President of Max Media Radio.  “How can one Program Director and research based on less then 100 people, decide the tastes and musical preferences of an entire market of Rockers?  They can’t! We have hundreds of Program Directors, selecting from decades of great Rock!

On Monday they debuted a listener based on-line interface.  The Max-FM listener will be in full control of the music.  100.5 Max-FM will utilize the diverse musical taste of its listeners to continue to provide great rock and roll to Hampton Roads.

RBR observation: That’s great, just as long as the listeners don’t choose the same four songs from the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, U2 and Pink Floyd. We hope they will actually play the obscure titles that the listeners pick (will the deep Hendrix cuts actually be among the choices?). If this sounds like the same ‘ol, same ‘ol that we hear across the dial, it will be nothing more than lipstick on a pig. Sounds like a great idea, if it works!