Amphibious Religious companies in station buys


The Eastern seaboard Baker family and the Midwestern Botts family have something in common. They run radio stations, and make frequent use of Religious formats on their stations. And, they essentially run two separate groups, one commercial and one not. Both have recently filed to acquire stations.

The Baker family is using their noncommercial Positive Alternative Radio Inc. to acquire reserved-band WRFE-FM in Chesterfield SC. The seller is Christian Educational Association, which will receive 350K cash (less 50% of LMA payments). However, that amount will increase to 500K if a CP to upgrade from Class A to C2 is granted.

The Botts are actually acquiring two stations, and demonstrating their amphibian nature in so doing. They are acquiring KAYH-FM Fayetteville AR as a noncom, and KOFC-AM Fayetteville AR as a commercial operation. Family Vision Ministry, owned by William and Martha Disney, is the seller. Each station is priced at 450K for a 900K total.