Another station nailed on file violation


Add KXMX-AM Anaheim CA to the list of stations which are paying the price for failure to maintain proper issue/program information in its public file. The station, licensed to New Inspiration Broadcasting Company Inc., turned itself in for omissions “for quarters prior to the second quarter of 2002,” and then from Q4 2002 through Q2 2003. The FCC upheld a $9K fine nonetheless, for the usual reasons, to whit that candor is expected of licensees, not a basis for special positive treatment. The FCC also denied requested reduction to $3K due to the prolonged time span of the violation.

RBR/TVBR observation: New Inspiration is a licensee name used by Salem Communications, the group owner of this station. Owners don’t get much more veteran than Salem, which just goes to show that these kinds of slip-ups are possible at every gradation of ownership group there is.