CA radio exec seeking US House seat


George Radanovich (R-CA) has announced that he is retiring from Congress for personal reasons, setting off a mad Republican primary scramble for the District 19 seat rated as safe for the party. One of the contestants is radio’s own Jim Patterson.

Here’s how Patterson describes his broadcast credentials: “Jim is a 25-year business and broadcast executive. He has owned and operated radio stations in California and Idaho. He is a frequent talk show host on KMJ News/Talk 580 and a political analyst for KMPH-TV26.”

Patterson’s current position is President/CEO of Jim Patterson Consulting Services, which he describes as “a full service government, business, broadcast, public relations and public policy consultancy.”

He also has experience more relevant to a political job – he was the Mayor of Fresno from 1993 to 2001.

Patterson will not be lacking stiff and experienced competition, however. Radanovich anointed State Sen. Jeff Denham as his replacement, voters willing. And former US Rep. Richard Pombo, who was in Washington DC from 1993 through 2006 on behalf of a nearby Congressional district, has also thrown his hat into the ring.

But Patterson is seriously contesting the seat. The Modesto Bee reported that he visited Washington to drum up support, and in particular to try and angle an endorsement from Club for Growth. That organization actually backed Patterson in 2002, when he lost a Republican Congressional primary to Devon Nunes (R-CA).