Call is out to unretired Bill Cosby


Bill CosbyHarris Interactive has found that of all the stars who have ever graced the television screen, Bill Cosby is the one America wants back the most. Echo Boomers agree, but their #1 pick is the overall #2 pick Jennifer Anniston. Here are America’s top picks among select former stars.

Respondents were allowed to select two, and the choices are definitely tied to the age of the respondents.

For example, Bob Newhart pulled a score of 11% overall – but his range was enormous, scoring an impressive 21% among Matures against a very small 5% among Echo Boomers.

Here are the results of the Harris Interactive poll:


26%: Bill Cosby

22%: Jennifer Anniston

18%: Jerry Seinfeld

16%: Steve Carell

11%: Bob Newhart

11%: Jennifer Garner

10%: Kelsey Grammer

8%: Sarah Jessica Parker

7%: Mary Tyler Moore

7%: Candice Bergen

5%: Matthew Fox

4%: David Schwimmer

3%: Pamela Anderson

3%: Shannen Doherty

3%: Kyle Chambers

20%: Not at all sure

Source: Harris Interactive

Echo Boomers (18-36)

21%: Bill Cosby

29%: Jennifer Anniston

19%: Jerry Seinfeld

27%: Steve Carell

5%: Bob Newhart

11%: Jennifer Garner

7%: Kelsey Grammer

13%: Sarah Jessica Parker

2%: Mary Tyler Moore

3%: Candice Bergen

6%: Matthew Fox

6%: David Schwimmer

3%: Pamela Anderson

3%: Shannen Doherty

3%: Kyle Chambers

17%: Not at all sure

Source: Harris Interactive

Gen X (37-48)

25%: Bill Cosby

22%: Jennifer Anniston

19%: Jerry Seinfeld

17%: Steve Carell

8%: Bob Newhart

10%: Jennifer Garner

10%: Kelsey Grammer

5%: Sarah Jessica Parker

5%: Mary Tyler Moore

4%: Candice Bergen

5%: Matthew Fox

5%: David Schwimmer

6%: Pamela Anderson

6%: Shannen Doherty

4%: Kyle Chambers

21%: Not at all sure

Source: Harris Interactive

Baby Boomers (49-67)

26%: Bill Cosby

20%: Jennifer Anniston

19%: Jerry Seinfeld

9%: Steve Carell

15%: Bob Newhart

11%: Jennifer Garner

13%: Kelsey Grammer

6%: Sarah Jessica Parker

10%: Mary Tyler Moore

11%: Candice Bergen

3%: Matthew Fox

3%: David Schwimmer

2%: Pamela Anderson

2%: Shannen Doherty

2%: Kyle Chambers

20%: Not at all sure

Source: Harris Interactive

Matures (38+)

36%: Bill Cosby

10%: Jennifer Anniston

16%: Jerry Seinfeld

5%: Steve Carell

21%: Bob Newhart

9%: Jennifer Garner

9%: Kelsey Grammer

6%: Sarah Jessica Parker

15%: Mary Tyler Moore

8%: Candice Bergen

3%: Matthew Fox

1%: David Schwimmer

1%: Pamela Anderson

1%: Shannen Doherty

3%: Kyle Chambers

27%: Not at all sure

Source: Harris Interactive


  1. So we really need a comedy with Bill Cosby playing a cranky neighbor and his over perky Overly PC neighbor Jennifer Aniston…

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