Danger! Can Social Media overload happen to your brand!

Just because everyone is moving marketing efforts to include social media, doesn’t mean you get a free pass to hawk your

Peak Broadcasting goes waaaay beyond just selling spots

As we mentioned on Sept. 17 , Friedman’s Home Improvement and Maverick Media Santa Rosa (CA) provided a great

2010 Engineering Budgets and Capital Expenditures

In this yearly RBR.com feature, we ask top engineers at the radio groups where next year's budgets and capital expenditures are heading. What's tops on the list for projects and new equipment?

Radio pros look to the near future

Yesterday we heard from a cross-section of radio pros about how business is going. Today, we seek their thoughts on where the industry needs to go. Second question: What are the issues

Radio pros look at the present situation

As the radio industry gathers in Philadelphia to munch cheesesteaks and seek inspiration from the spirits of Benjamin Franklin and W.C. Fields

Give a Station a Fish……

…give them a hook, line and sinker and show them what to do and they eat for a lifetime.” Hook, line and sinker – aka “digital tools” in the 21st Century, are the building blocks which stations

Tough Love for Radio’s Online Revenue Strategy

According to leading analysts and after many years of investment, Radio still only gets about 2% of local online revenue share. The industry certainly...

Great Client Marketing Strategies with Small Budgets

During this year’s NAB conference in Philadelphia, a session addressing how local direct clients on smaller budgets can

Getting a Symphony Out of a One-Man Band

If you’ve ever seen a one man band, a really good one man band, (and there are such things!), then perhaps you, like me, have been mesmerized by the number

Less Confidence in Economy, Needs Over Wants

Sticking to a Budget and Spending less - the days of living large and running up debts have run their course for American consumers, according to BIGresearch’s analysis of data from

A Great Elevator Pitch for a Changing Marketplace

In this economy, there is something you absolutely must have… a fresh elevator pitch – you know, the statement that describes to someone who you are and what you do in 30 seconds or less

The GM as Brand Manager: Marketing Your Station’s “Trusted Brand”

Back before the last ice age, when I was in college, I remember my old marketing prof using the example of the American railroads...

Politically Correct Advertising

As best I can recall, I've never put myself in a position to create a radio campaign for a candidate that I did not want to win the election. Just as I prefer to create advertising for clients whose businesses, products, and services I believe in, I prefer

Broadcast consultant Bill James

Richmond, VA-based Bill James has been in the broadcast biz for 40 years. He’s now consulting for both radio and television in the DR and programming

Hispanic Market and Social Media

Social media. The venue once viewed as “teens only” has by all accounts turned the corner to adult and corporate embrace. Millions of people now turn to