SMART Campaign Strategy

The SMART system is from Paul J. Meyer’s “Attitude is Everything.” In it, he details goal construction and strategy that enables completion, rather than having goals with a 50/50 outcome

Death of a Salesman

Three people entered the meeting: The radio salesperson (sorry,

The Frightening Brand – How Luxury Products Intimidate You Into Loving Them

In the traditional world of consumer branding, simplicity is the essence of this kind of marketing, but luxury brands take the exact

Groupon is making billions…so why aren’t you getting any?

“Groupon” sales are estimated in the billions of dollars and do you know where is that money coming from?  It’s coming from local advertisers. ...

“Daily Deals” are indeed not dead

You may have heard that “daily deals” are dead. Don’t you believe it. In reality, now is the perfect time for radio stations to...
Wayne Dykes

Get ready for a tidal wave of HD advertising

RBR-TVBR exclusive: Recently, a number of industry publications have pointed out that High Definition (HD) advertising is lagging far behind Standard Definition (SD) advertising,...

How do you sell?

How do you sell? We all are “idea sellers” now. None of us try to sell on price. There’s not a rep I know in the country that tells people they sell on low CPP’s or a high frequency. So the truth is we are more similar than ever before. We are all becoming more creative, social media savvy, and providing that extra push for customer service.

Ad agencies to advertisers: Go away!

As a broadcaster, your job is to make your properties a welcome place for ad agencies. That’s why it may surprise you to learn that one of the primary obstacles to your ad revenue growth may be that at the same time you are saying, “come on in!”, the message that many ad agencies are saying to the many thousands of small to medium-sized businesses that want to broaden their media buying to broadcast television or radio but don’t have mega-budgets is: “Go Away!”

Getting the most out of younger sales reps

You may find it interesting to note that an MIT study on what motivates people concluded that money is not the best motivator. Researchers concluded that once a task went beyond rudimentary skills, like assembly line work, money was not a key motivator towards increased performance. Once the skill required moved into cognitive skills like sales, there were three factors that "truly" motivated the test subjects; autonomy, mastery and purpose. I heard author Daniel Pink talk in detail about this subject and it inspired me to dig deeper and ask if the MIT findings also applied to managing younger sales people. I found that these three motivators applied to nearly every sales rep I have managed that was born after 1982. Experts refer to this age group as the "millennial generation".

6 Questions to Ask Before Terminating a Sales Rep

Sales expert says managers need to ask themselves hard questions before firing a sales rep.

Run Away From This Type Of Sales Candidate

Featured Media Information Bureau columnist Barrett Riddleberger has made a living out of identifying sales candidates who, when hired, fail to meet expectations. In this latest column, Riddleberger notes that all of these bad hires have one thing in common: They interview well.

Why ‘Live Day’ Can Aid Your Stations In Myriad Ways

Here's something that's cool, and definitely establishes Radio as the one media that can truly connect with local listeners in ways Spotify, Pandora, and even TV stations and newspapers can't do. It's all about going live -- and that includes all on-air elements, including commercials. Entercom is the company behind this "more than just a stunt" opportunity — and it's something that could get your stations get noticed, and more listener love, too.

Seven Solutions For Fixing Underperforming AEs

What do you do when your sales reps fail to meet their quotas or fail to meet your expectations? Uncovering the root cause and applying the right solution is critical, expert sales trainer Barrett Riddleberger notes in his latest Media Information Bureau column. His advice could spark your sales team's performance just in time for the busy holiday season.

Another 10 Questions To Ask Every Sales Candidate

Looking for the right way to get the answers you seek from potential sales candidates in your organization? Perhaps these 10 questions from expert sales trainer Barrett Riddleberger can help. Good interview questions can go a long way in enabling the hiring party to accomplish this task.

Tips To Identify, and Connect, With Potential Customers

As Matt Sunshine, Managing Partner for the Center for Sales Strategy sees it, one of the most important things to do in uncertain times is to raise our expectations on what radio and TV can expect out of its sales team's performance. This observation came alongside lots of helpful advice in an exclusive Hispanic Radio Conference LIVE virtual presentation held Thursday.